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Does Meditation Help You Remember Dreams?

Does Meditation Help You Remember Dreams?

Does Meditation Help You Remember Dreams?

Meditation is a very strange state and its benefits have also been seen on dream recall and dream vividness

Research shows that the memory power of a person who meditates increases to a great extent. And with the increase in memory power, it is easy to remember the dreams seen at night, and at the same time, it is beneficial in many areas.

Research also shows that the more skilled a person is in meditation, the more efficiently that person remains aware in dreams. 

It is meant to say that by meditating there is an increase in the awareness of the person and when such a person is sleeping, then in the dreams coming during sleep, he knows that he is dreaming.

And once a person knows in a dream that he/she is dreaming, then it is very easy to remember that dream. After waking up in the morning, he will remember such dreams very well.

Additionally, practicing mindfulness meditation helps a person become more aware of their thoughts and feelings.

How does meditation affect the quality of your dreams?

Does Meditation Help You Remember Dreams?

Recent studies have shown that meditation has a great effect on the quality of sleep. Practicing meditation regularly helps a person to fall into a deep sleep and improves the quality of sleep to a great extent. 

It also reduces the chances of having bad dreams at night because sleeping after meditating at night keeps the mind calm and clear so that negative thoughts do not come.

What usually happens is that most people do overthinking before sleeping at night. Many people also have the problem of not sleeping at night. Such people have a very bad habit of overthinking. They keep thinking about something or the other all the time, due to which their mind is not able to calm down and there is difficulty in sleeping.

But meditation can rectify this situation and make a person fall asleep very easily. Such sleep is calm and clear. After waking up in the morning, the dreams seen in sleep are also well remembered.

The awareness gained from meditation goes into sleep as well, due to which a person experiences self-awareness in the dream going on in sleep. And he knows that he is still dreaming. Once a person in a dream knows that he is dreaming, it is easier to remember that dream.

Can I use meditation to control my dreams?

Does Meditation Help You Remember Dreams?

Yes, meditation is a very good medium to learn lucid dreaming. With the help of awareness gained through meditation, you will be able to go into lucid dreams and control your dreams at will. Below are some methods of meditation that you can use to control your dreams.

Improving Focus and Awareness

Meditation helps to improve focus and awareness. This awareness will help you to be conscious during the dream. That's why you should work on raising awareness during the day.

Increasing Self-Awareness

Do each work with full consciousness. Whether you are walking on the street or eating food, whatever you are doing throughout the day, do it consciously. By doing everything consciously, you will become more conscious.

Inducing Lucid Dreams

Some techniques such as reality checks and visualization are of great help for lucid dreaming.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is that state of sleep in which our body is asleep but the mind remains alert. Although this is a very big topic in itself, you can use it in two ways for lucid dreaming.

First Method: Observing Hypnogogiya

When you lie down on the bed to sleep then you will start seeing many shapes inside your closed eyes. This is called hypnagogia and you have to focus your attention on it. Observe each of the moving figures behind closed eyes. Keep your awareness fixed on these pictures.

As time passes, these figures will turn into dreams. If you succeed in keeping your awareness on hypnagogia, you will enter directly into the lucid dream.

Second Method: Observing Breath

You have to do a breathing meditation for a few minutes before sleeping. Leave your body very loose and focus your attention on the breath coming and going. 

When the breath comes in through your nose, know that the breath has come in and when the breath comes out of the nose, know that the breath has gone out. There should be no breath that goes unnoticed by your observation. By doing this, gradually your body will start falling asleep and you will remain conscious through the help of your breath.

Then after some time, the body will go into complete sleep and you will be able to see the dream being created.

It is not as easy as I told it. It will require a lot of practice. When you will practice this every night for about a month, then someday you will be able to take your consciousness into dreams through the breath. 

Revolution will happen on that day. On that day, you will be surprised to see how consciousness changes. Believe me, it is a very unique experience.


In conclusion, I would like to say that if you want to remember your dreams, you must practice meditation. With the continuous practice of meditation, your memory power will increase and you will be able to remember many dreams seen in the night in full detail.

A healthy person sees about 5 to 7 dreams every night but can remember only a few dreams in the morning. But with the awareness gained through meditation, you will not only be able to remember the dream but also be able to control that dream by being conscious in the dream. Isn't it wonderful?

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