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Tantra Method 75: How To Become Aware in a Dream?

Tantra Technique 75: Become Aware in Dream

--> Remember yourself in the state of wakefulness, in the state of sleep, and in the state of dreams.

How To Become Aware in a Dream


To know in a dream that you are dreaming is very challenging, but it is possible for everyone. This is the best technique to become aware in dreams (lucid dreams).

You have to start the practice from the waking state. How can you know in your dreams that you are dreaming? Can you create any dream you want? In sleep, can you manipulate a dream according to your wish? No, you can't able to do this now.

Man is so helpless, that even a dream cannot be created by him. You cannot even dream according to yourself; Dreams also come automatically in your sleep. You are completely helpless and keep dreaming the same dreams that your mind keeps showing you according to your nature.

How To Become Aware in a Dream?

How To Become Aware in a Dream

There are some such methods in Tantra Science, with the help of which you can create the dream according to your wish and can also change it. Once you know that you are in a dream, then anything can be done with the dream. Then that dream will not be imposed on you. Then that dream will not be able to establish its authority over you. 

By knowing the dream as a dream, the dream can be controlled. But this practice has to be started from the waking state itself; because the work done in the waking state affects the dream

Remember yourself while waking up, while taking a bath, while eating food, while talking to someone, while resting, or while doing some work. Remember yourself every moment during the waking state.

Right now the situation will be such that you will forget yourself every moment.

How many moments were there during the day when you were conscious? How many moments were there when you did not forget 'yourself'. 

For many people, there is never a single moment in the day when they are self-conscious. Don't know what has become the condition of the people of today; Can't even remember their own 'self'. Man goes on living in a state of unconsciousness and in the same way man spends his whole life in unconsciousness.

Consciousness Is a Dual-Pointed Arrow

How To Become Aware in a Dream

The consciousness of a human being has two ends; One is towards the front and one towards the back. In an ordinary person, only the front end remains active and the back end is not active.

You can also understand human consciousness like an arrow, in which the arrow has two pointed parts. Our consciousness is a dual-pointed arrow.

When you are talking to someone, only one part of the consciousness is active and that part is focused on the other person. The other part of consciousness is not active, so you forget your 'self'You cannot remember your 'self' while talking to another because the other part of your consciousness has not yet become active. But if one practice continuously and perseveres in his practice, then that person activates the other part of his consciousness as well.

Once this back end of consciousness becomes active, then this end remains active even during sleep. Then you easily know in the dream world that you are dreaming. Even in normal dreams, only the front end of your consciousness remains active and the back end remains closed. That's why in a dream you never know that you were dreaming.

How To Activate Back End of Consciousness?

So how can you awaken the back end of your consciousness, the self?

The path is very easy but walking on it and staying firm is very difficult. There is no shortcut to this; You have to try and work hard.

As I said earlier also that you have to start the practice from the waking state. All the time you have to remember that you also exist. When you are doing some work, then pay attention to the work as well as remember yourself. You can do this only when you are doing that work completely consciously.

You will not be able to do this exercise if you are engrossed in the thoughts of your own mind. You can do this exercise while being in the present state. In the beginning, this experiment will be very difficult. Gradually, when you become proficient in it, then this practice will start keeping you aware in your dreams.

How To Become Aware in a Dream

In the second step, you take this method to the dream state. Now you can start using this method even in your sleep. Now the reality of your 'self' has also become real. Now you are awake from within also.

It will take a few days of practice. You sleep remembering yourself every night while sleeping.

If you want to reach the state of lucid dream quickly, then wake up with the help of an alarm exactly 5 hours after sleeping. Wake up from sleep and sit on the bed. If you want to go to the bathroom, you can go. You have to stay awake for about 10 to 15 minutes.

During these 10 to 15 minutes you go on practicing awareness. You keep remembering yourself. Now you can sleep again. You don't have to sleep right away. Lie down on the bed, close your eyes, and calm your mind completely.

Let the body relax and don't let any thoughts enter your mind. If thoughts come to your mind, you will forget your 'self'. First, take a few deep breaths, then try to sleep remembering your 'self'.

It will take a few weeks, maybe even a few months, for this experiment to be successful. You just have to persevere in this experiment and make it your primary goal while continuing the practice.


Tantra Technique 75 says;  To become aware in dreams, remember yourself while waking up, while eating food, while talking to someone, and even while sleeping,

When this experiment becomes deep, then you will be able to remember yourself even in the dream state during sleep. Then you will know even in the dream that you are different from the dream and you will be able to give direction to the dream. 

You can change anything in the dream world. The only condition is that you have to do this exercise every moment during the time of awakening. There should not be a single moment when you forget this practice.

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