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Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Like Reality? Prepare to be Amazed

Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Like Reality?

Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Like Reality

Yes, lucid dreaming feels very real and immersive. A skilled lucid dreamer feels the same in the lucid dream as he does during the waking state.

The way you are experiencing things in the waking state right now, the way you are talking to people, in the same way when you know in a dream that you are dreaming, then you feel exactly the same as waking state.


You can talk to people in your dreams, touch things with your hands, eat food, and do whatever you want in your dreams.

What actually happens is that the part of the brain that is active during the waking state and makes things feel real to us, the same part of the brain gets activated during the lucid dream. It makes us feel the same as reality in the dream.

How vivid and intense is a lucid dream compared to real life?

Many people believe that the experience of lucid dreams is more vivid and real than the real world. You too must have experienced many times in which the morning dreams seem so real as if they are all happening in reality.

There is also a scientific name for this kind of more real-looking dream called false awakening.

But some people also believe that their dreams are not that much clear. Some things are clear in the dream but most of the things are blurred.

Let me tell you that the clarity of the dream depends on the individual. The more aware and conscious a person is, the more clear and real his dreams will be. 

Tibetan yogis say that for an aware person, dreams and reality are one and the same. There is no difference between walking in a dream and walking in reality.

Are emotions in a lucid dream as strong as in reality?

Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Like Reality

You should know that the emotions experienced in a lucid dream can be just as strong and real as those experienced in reality. 

You will be surprised to know that the process that goes on in our brain during the waking state, the same process goes on during dreaming. Perhaps this is the reason why we get very scared while having bad dreams.

The chemicals produced in our brains are mostly responsible for emotions. Because the same chemicals are released in the brain in the dream which is released while awake, so the emotions experienced in the dream are the same as in reality.

But you must also understand that the emotions experienced in a dream can vary from person to person.

Does lucid dreaming sex experience the same as real sex?

Does Lucid Dreaming Feel Like Reality

Very little research has been done on the experience of sex in lucid dreams, which suggests that the experience of physical sex in dreams is not exactly the same as in reality. But this is not entirely true as some lucid dream experts say that lucid dream sex is more fun and pleasurable than real sex.

An experienced lucid dreamer can enjoy sex the same way you and I do in reality.

Initially, I also had sex in lucid dreams many times but my experience was not very real and I used to wake up in the middle of sex. But as my experience in lucid dreams deepened and when I started going into lucid dreams at will, my experience of having sex in lucid dreams completely changed.

Now I can simulate sex in lucid dreams very easily. My sex experience is very fun and full of enjoyment. In the beginning, I used to wake up during sex but now it doesn't happen because while having sex I am knowing in my mind that it is a dream. I do not allow myself to lose my awareness even for a moment.

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The experience of lucid dreaming can vary greatly from person to person. For some people, dreams can be very vivid and intense, while for some people, dreams can be a bit hazy.

No matter how real a lucid dream may seem, it is important to remember that it is still a dream and not a reality. Lucid dreaming provides a unique opportunity for personal exploration, creativity, and growth but should not be treated as a substitute for actual real-life experiences and relationships.

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