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5 Types of Dreams You Must Know | Lucid Dreaming

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Are you a dream researcher or a lucid dreamer? If yes, then there are 5 types of dreams you must know. It is very important for you to know all the types of dreams if you want to learn lucid dreaming. 

5 Types of Dreams

5 Types of Dreams

What are dreams?

      Dreams are a mysterious process in the mind in which you see pictures, figures, and many other scenes behind closed eyes. There is a special kind of science of studying dreams called Oneirology. A healthy person dreams 5 to 7 dreams every night.

#1: First Type of Dreams

      The first type of dream is just junk. Thousands of psychologists are just working on the junk; It's completely meaningless. It happens because of working during the whole day, you collect a lot of junk. 

      Just like dust gathers on the body. And you need to wash it. In this way, the mind gathers dust. But there is no way to wash the mind. That's why the mind has an automatic process of throwing out all the dust and rubbish.

      The first kind of dream is nothing but picking up the dust that the mind is throwing away. This is a big portion of dreams. It is about 90 percent. 90 percent of all dreams are thrown away in the form of dust. 

      Don't give too much attention to them. Slowly as your attention grows. You will be able to see what the dust is.

#2: Second Kind of Dreams

      The second kind of dream is the fulfillment of a kind of lust. There are many requirements and natural needs. But the unaware priests and those so-called fake religious teachers have poisoned your mind.

      The unconscious mind does not know any cravings, and the unconscious mind does not care about cravings. What is craving? Craving spurts from your thinking, imagination, education, and sacrament. 

      You would like to be the prime minister of the country. The subconscious mind does not care about this. The subconscious has no interest in becoming the prime minister of the country. The subconscious is only curious about how to fulfill desires that come to the mind. 

      But the conscious mind says anyhow become prime minister. And if being PM you have to leave your woman, then leave her. If your body has to be sacrificed, do it. If you have to leave the rest of the pleasure, then leave it up.

      Always keep in mind that the subconscious is correct. Because it has the wisdom of the ages. You exist for millions of births. The conscious (thinking) mind is related to this life. It has been qualified in schools and in universities. It has been trained in the family and society where you were born. 

      The subconscious holds with you the incidents of all your life. It holds the experience and memory of when you were a stone, it holds the incident of when you were a plant. It holds the experience of when you were a creature; it holds all these specialties with you. 

      The subconscious is very brilliant and the conscious mind is very stupid. This occurs because the thinking mind is made only for this life. It has very less experience. Subconsciousness is the antique perception, listen to it.

#3: Third kind of dreams

      This third kind of dream could be a sign of the superconscious. The second kind of dream is a communication from the subconscious mind. 

5 Types of Dreams

      The third kind of dream is extremely occasional. As a result, we've lost all contact with the superconscious mind. However still it descends, because the superconscious mind is yours. It had become a cloud and had up within the sky, it may have vanished. 

      The superconscious mind's communication is extremely occasional. Only if you become very conscious then will you start to feel it. Otherwise, it'll be lost in the dirt that the mind throws in dreams. 

      It'll be lost in those unfulfilled desires and lust. Howeveronce you are aware it's sort of a diamond shining – very totally different from all the pebbles that are around. 

      If you can feel and see the dream coming from the superconscious, then it will give you a lot of knowledge. It will become your master. You will get lots of teachings from this type of dream.

      You keep accumulating the Sacrament and experiences of many births in your superconscious mind. If you can see the dream coming from the super-conscious mind then you will be able to know all those secrets and experiences.

#4: Fourth kind of dreams

The fourth type of dream comes from the memories of our past lives. This dream is not that rare. Many times, knowingly or unknowingly, we keep seeing such dreams, but due to lack of knowledge, we miss them.

There is a lot of chaos in our dreams, so we are not able to differentiate between dreams from past lives and normal dreams.

In the East, very complex searches have been done on the fourth type of dreams. The East has come to know the concept of reincarnation because of the discovery made of this sort of dream. When you see this fourth type of dream, you will be able to know the events of your previous birth.

Then many changes will start happening inside you. Because you will know what type of person you were in the previous birth. If you will know this then the matter will be different. You will not be the person you are now. You will totally change.

Then many things will be meaningless for you. You will never again run after money, women, and post. Then all these things would not be necessary. You will know that all this happened in my last birth also. All had gone in vain.

Death takes everything away. You will know that you were still collecting pebbles.

You will know that leaving all these useless things, you have to get the one by whose attainment everything is achieved. You have to know that by knowing whom everything is known. You have to feel that experience by which everything is experienced.

This fourth type of dream will tell you that you are again doing the same thing that you did in your previous life. You will feel your life like a matrix. You will know that you are just going round and round for many births.

Nothing new is happening in this life. This is a type of circle. It's similar to a matrix. Because you have forgotten your previous births, this birth seems new to you. That's why you find this birth exciting and amazing. When you start remembering the memories of past lives, what you are doing in this life will seem pointless and meaningless.

Also Read:

  1. Amazing benefits of Lucid Dream that will blow your mind.
  2. How to have exciting lucid dream sex?

#5: Fifth kind of dreams

The fifth type of dream comes from the future. It is very, very rare. Such dreams only come when you are sensitive and open-minded. The past appears to you like a shadow. It is reflected in you in a way and you recognize it.

5 Types of Dreams

When you become aware of your dream then you will get a glimpse of this fifth type of dream.

Dreams showing glimpses of the future are the fifth type of dream. So far modern psychology has been able to know only second types of dreams. Russian psychology has been able to understand only the first type of dreams. But Yoga understands the five types of dreams.

From time to time we get to hear about some people who revealed what they saw in their dreams in the night. The same thing turned into reality in the morning. Very few people have such dreams. When you meditate and start knowing the superconscious mind then you too will be able to see such futuristic dreams.

You must have heard that some people had refused to travel on the Titanic because they had seen the titanic drowning in their night dreams. And in reality, it happened exactly like that. Very sensitive people sometimes get such dreams.

Final Thoughts:

So you know that there are five types of dreams. The ordinary man is familiar only with the first type of dreams. When you wake up to the first type of dream, you enter the second type of dream. You don't have to stop here either. If you get engrossed in the first stage of dreams then you will not be able to move forward. It is important to move forward.

Now you have to wake up to the second type of dream as well. One has to be aware of this dream. When you wake up in this dream you will enter the third type of dream.

Here also you have to do the same thing, be aware of this dream. Then you will be successful in going to the fourth type of dream. Similarly, you have to wake up to the fifth type of dream also which is the final stage of dreams. Waking up is imperative.

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