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Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream | Ancient Secret For Conscious Sleep

Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream

Sleep is as calm and stable as death. Those people have a new birth every morning who wakes up from a deep sleep. It means that just as our breath stops at the time of death, in the same way, if our breath moves at such a slow pace during sleep that no one knows that we are breathing, then understand that you are in Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep).

Yoga Nidra for sleep means that your sleep itself has become your meditation. After this, you will not have to try to wake up in Brahma Muhurta (early morning before sunrise). Your body will automatically leave the bed in Brahma Muhurta. Because it takes 8 hours to complete normal sleep, but in Yoga Nidra the same sleep is completed in 4 to 5 hours.

Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream

Things to keep in mind before trying Yoga Nidra for Sleep

To mold your breath according to Yoga Nidra, you have to take care of some things. First of all, if you want to wake up in Brahma Muhurta, then do not force your body for that. If your sleep is not complete then you do not need to use any alarm because if you wake up in Brahma Muhurta without complete sleep then you will not be able to use the energy of Brahma Muhurta fully. 

If your eyes open automatically in the Early Morning, then only you can enter deep into morning meditation. But if we force ourselves, our whole day will be spent in tension, and tiredness. 

Preparation To Wakeup in Brahma Muhurta

Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream

The preparation for waking up in Brahma Muhurta starts from the previous night itself. So what is preparation? Let's know one by one. Listen carefully.

First of all, prepare to sleep at 9:00 pm. Fix this time that you have to reach your bed at 9:00 in any case and after reaching the bed you have to go to sleep in a stable and calm manner. Your office should remain in the office only. Your business, stay outside. Do not bring anything or any thought with you into the bedroom that will take you outside. No matter how important the work may be, but no work is more important than a sound sleep.

People earn money, but even one night's sleep cannot be bought with that money. Preparation for sleeping at 9:00 pm starts at 7:00 pm. If you think that you will go straight to bed at 9:00 and go into a deep sleep, then it is your illusion.

To go into deep sleep i.e. Yoga Nidra, you have to do some preparations before sleeping and those preparations take about 2 hours. That's why I am saying start preparing from 7:00 to sleep at 9:00. First of all finish your dinner by 7:00 pm. Have you ever thought that after eating food, we start feeling sleepy in some time. Why does this happen? The answer is that our body needs rest to digest food.

Why you should eat a light dinner before bed?

Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream

One of the most important purposes of sleep is to digest food. The whole night our digestive system is busy in digesting the food that we eat before sleeping. The sooner you have your dinner, the sooner the food will be digested and your sleep will be complete. The time fixed for dinner in Ayurveda is before the sun sets. And the lighter the dinner, the sooner our digestive system will complete its work. That's why always eat light food in dinner.

The longer the time taken to cook the food, the heavier the food, and on the contrary, the less time it takes to cook the food, the lighter the food. For example, it takes more effort and more time to cook bread, whereas it takes less effort to cook rice. As a result, our body takes more energy to digest bread and on the other hand, it takes less energy to digest rice.


Khichdi (hotchpotch), rice, boiled vegetables, all these come in light food and whereas bread, pulses, etc. come in heavy food. It takes more energy and more time for our body to digest such food. Because of this, the duration of our sleep increases.

Most of the diseases of the body arise due to the reason that we do not know what kind of food should be eaten at what time. Nowadays people go to the gym to make a good body. They take protein supplements and a good diet which is heavy. Rich food makes the body strong, but the body loses energy, enthusiasm, and freshness.

There is more pleasure in being happy in the mind than in being strong in the body. It is true that a man should be healthy and exercise is necessary for him, but such exercise that our body does not get tired too much, or it does not need to take too much diet. Exercise should be such that the energy of our body increases, not that our body gets tired.

When you do the gym or do more difficult exercises, the duration of sleep automatically increases. The body needs more rest and we are not able to meditate. 

Only those who are wise know that no matter how strong you make the body, one day it will turn into dust. And on the other hand, if we understand our mind, then nothing can be more important in this world than understanding the mind. Understanding the mind means you have understood yourself. You have conquered yourself.

It is funny that we want to have an attractive body so that we can impress others. The kind of advertisements that are presented to us by movies and society, our mind starts working in the same way. 

Since childhood, we have seen actors with attractive bodies in movies, and we desire to have the same attractive body. But on the other hand, if our society had focused on making the mind attractive like our sages (monks), then perhaps we would have considered meditation more important instead.

Practicing Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream

Yoga Nidra For Sleep and Lucid Dream

Coming back to my point. After having a light dinner, you should concentrate on the processes of relaxation of your body. By 7:00 pm you have eaten food, and finished all your office work, now you have nothing to do.

You should make full use of the time between 7:00 to 9:00. Attention should be paid to making your mind calm, relaxed, and thought-free. For this, taking a bath with lukewarm water proves to be very helpful. 

While taking a bath in lukewarm water, create this feeling in your mind that today the whole day's worries, whole day's anger, whole day's work, whole day's hard work, whole day's tiredness, whole day's stress will automatically disappear from your mind with water. Your mind is becoming completely empty and pure.

You have to do this while taking a bath. If you have a bathtub in the bathroom, then this feeling can also be created by lying in the tub. While lying in the tub, go on relaxing your body. A simple way to relax is to create an emotion in your mind and the more intense the emotion, the sooner you will get the result.

Keep yourself empty after taking a bath. Don't watch TV, don't even talk to anyone. Calm yourself down. The things that are outside, leave them outside. It will meet there the next day as well. Manage some good fragrances in your bedroom. Whatever scent you like. You can use any incense stick. Or you can also use some perfume or room freshener. After this dim the light of the room and put on some calm music and lie down on your bed.

Do not use any alarm to wake up in Brahma Muhurta (early morning). Just ask your Lord to wake you up in Brahma Muhurta. Who would be a bigger wakener than him? He is the only one who can wake you up. If you have to wake up at 4:00 in the morning, then you tell him that Lord you are going to wake me up at 4:00. You are the creator of the universe. Then slowly, making this feeling in your mind, you go into the lap of sleep.

After doing this experiment for 21 days, you will realize that you remain awake (lucid) even in your sleep. Now your awakening is complete. You have now entered Yoga Nidra. Sleep which used to take 8 to 10 hours to complete and even after that there used to be tiredness in the mind, now the same sleep will keep you fit by completing in just five to six hours. Because now your sleep is real sleep.

In the previous sleep, you used to engage in your dreams. Your mind, your brain used to work continuously. Your digestive system was engaged in different activities. But now neither do some thoughts run in your mind, nor do you have anxious and scary dreams, nor does your digestive system remain under so much pressure. That's why the energy of your body, and your freshness will surprise everyone.

Now you will not get tired at all, nor will you feel lazy, nor will you be under stress. After reaching Yoga Nidra, your meditation also becomes easy. You can enter deep meditation very quickly. After taking Yoga Nidra at night, the meditation of Brahma Muhurta is most beneficial. That's why waking up in the Brahma Muhurta, one must devote half an hour to meditation. After that, you will be able to know that infinite truth. You will be able to understand that nature, and you will be able to see that which resides in every particle.

You will be able to understand that which is the essence of all the scriptures and all the Vedas, which is the teaching of all the monks and sages and on which the whole of spirituality rests. Scriptures, Bible, or knowledge are not something to be memorized. It is meant to be experienced. It is garbage until you experience it. It is of no use. That knowledge will only create tension in your mind. But when you experience it, the same knowledge will become bliss for you.


In conclusion, Yoga Nidra is a powerful tool that can help you achieve deep sleep and meditation. By slowing down your breathing, you can enter a state of Yogic Sleep. It allows you to complete your sleep in just 4 to 5 hours. To wake up in Brahma Muhurta, you need to prepare yourself by going to bed early, avoiding heavy meals before sleeping, and practicing light exercises that won't tire your body too much. 

By following these steps, you can ensure that your body gets the rest it needs, and you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. It's essential to keep in mind that Yoga Nidra is not just about sleep; it's about making your sleep a form of meditation. 

Therefore, it's essential to stay mindful of your thoughts and surroundings, so you don't get distracted during the practice. With regular practice, Yoga Nidra can help you improve your sleep quality, and reduce anxiety. It helps you to achieve a deep state of relaxation that promotes overall health and well-being. So, if you're struggling with sleep, give Yoga Nidra a try and see how it can transform your life.

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