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How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique - Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming

Do you want to experience a world where everything is possible? Do you want to control your dreams and fly like a superhero? Do you wish to swim in the manner of a mermaid? 

Therefore, brace yourselves because I'm going to introduce you to a method that will truly fulfill all of your greatest wishes. SSILD, often referred to as Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming, is what I'm referring to.

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

What is SSILD - Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming?

SSILD is a lucid dreaming technique that utilizes your senses to induce lucid dreams. It was developed by a Chinese lucid dreaming expert, Cosmic IronThanks to its high success rate, it has grown in popularity among lucid dreamers.

Let's go on to the exciting part, which is how to execute it.

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique?

Set Your Intentions

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

The first step to SSILD is to set your intentions. Tell yourself that you want to have a lucid dream tonight. Visualize yourself becoming aware that you are dreaming and taking control of your dream.

Get Ready for Bed

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

Once you have set your intentions, it's time to get ready for bed. Make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and free from distractions. Put your phone away, turn off the TV, and dim the lights.

Relax Your Body

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

Lie down in bed and focus on relaxing your body. Breathe deeply and relax your muscles if they are tense. You'll be able to go to sleep more quickly and have more lucid dreams as a result.

Cycle Through Your Senses

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

Now, it's time to start the SSILD technique. Close your eyes and focus on your senses. Cycle through each sense, do this one at a time and focus on the sensations you feel.

  • Start with your visual sense. Visualize a bright light shining in the darkness. Focus on the light and try to make it brighter or dimmer.

  • Next, focus on your auditory sense. Listen to the sound of your breath and the beat of your heart. Try to amplify these sounds and make them louder.

  • Move on to your tactile sense. Focus on the feeling of your body against the bed. Try to make the feeling more intense.

  • Finally, focus on your kinesthetic sense. Imagine yourself moving through space. Focus on the sensation of movement and try to make it more vivid.

  • Cycle through each sense three times, then repeat the cycle as many times as you want.

Recognize the Dream Signs

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

While you are cycling through your senses, keep an eye out for dream signs. Dream signs are clues that you are in a dream. These dream signs could be distorted objects, six fingers in hand, blurry faces, flying, or impossible events.

When you notice a dream sign, perform a reality check. This can be something as simple as pinching yourself or trying to fly. If the reality check fails, you are dreaming.

Take Control of Your Dream

Congratulations, you are now lucid dreaming! Take control of your dream and do whatever you want. Fly, swim, talk to your favorite celebrity - the possibilities are endless.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room... 

Does SSILD really work?

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

The short answer is yes. A study conducted by the University of Adelaide found that the SSILD technique had a success rate of 83.7% in inducing lucid dreams. That's a pretty impressive number if you ask me.

But, as with any lucid dreaming technique, SSILD requires practice and patience. You might not have a lucid dream on your first attempt or even your tenth, but if you persevere, you will.

SSILD - Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming Techniques - Conclusion

You can influence your dreams using lucid dreaming, which is an extraordinarily intriguing phenomenon that lets you enter a universe where anything is possible. Because of its high rate of success, the SSILD technique has grown in popularity among lucid dreamers. 

You may create lucid dreams and manage your dream world by circling around your senses and identifying dream indicators. Keep in mind that your wildest aspirations can come true with SSILD, albeit it may take some time and patience.

FAQs on SSILD - Senses Initiated Lucid Dreaming Techniques:

How To Lucid Dream Using SSILD Technique

Is SSILD suitable for everyone?

Everyone who desires to have lucid dreams can practice SSILD. But, it's best to speak with your doctor before using SSILD if you have a sleep disorder or any other medical condition that impairs your ability to sleep.

How long does it take SSILD to induce a lucid dream?

With SSILD, different people have lucid dreams at different times. Some people might experience a lucid dream on their first try, while others could need more than one. With SSILD, consistency is essential, and the more you practice, the more likely you are to experience a lucid dream.

Can a lucid dream occur without the use of SSILD?

Absolutely, lucid dreams can occur without the use of SSILD. You can also experiment with various methods, including reality checks, meditation, and dream journals.

Can SSILD work well in conjunction with other lucid dreaming methods?

SSILD can be used in conjunction with other lucid dreaming methods, yes. In fact, many people who want to boost their likelihood of having a lucid dream combine SSILD with reality checks or meditation.

Does SSILD have a scientific basis?

Indeed, scientific research supports SSILD. According to a University of Adelaide study, the SSILD approach had an 83.7% success rate at bringing up lucid dreams.

How frequently should I use SSILD to create lucid dreams?

It is advised to constantly practice SSILD every night for at least a week to improve your chances of lucid dream induction. So although some people might succeed after just a few practice sessions, others would require several weeks of work.

Is it possible to regulate the details of your lucid dreams with SSILD?

Yes, you can influence the details of your dream after using SSILD to produce one. This is referred to as dream control, and it enables you to alter the dream world whatever you choose.

Are there any negative repercussions from lucid dreaming induced by SSILD?

SSILD has no known negative side effects when used to create lucid dreams. Yet, in order to prevent having a detrimental impact on your general health, it's crucial to follow proper sleep hygiene practices and get adequate rest.

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