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Why Do I Wake Up when Lucid Dreaming? Most Asked Question

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Why Do I Wake Up when Lucid Dreaming?

It is not entirely clear why some people wake up when they are lucid dreaming. It may be due to a number of factors, including fear of being lucid, excitement, physiological factors, psychological factors, or unable to stabilize lucid dreams. 

Some researchers suggest that lucid dreamers may be more sensitive to their physical surroundings while they sleep, which could cause them to wake up more easily. Additionally, some people may have a hard time maintaining lucidity during their dreams, which could also cause them to wake up. 

Why Do I Wake Up when Lucid Dreaming

I want to share my own experience with you on this matter. When I was new to lucid dreaming, I used to wake up shortly after going into a lucid dream. Then I later came to know that I used to make some mistakes in lucid dreams due to which I used to wake up from sleep. The mistakes are given below:

  • I had become too excited by knowing that, oh my god, I am finally in lucid dreams. Avoid this mistake.

  • Sometimes I used to close my eyes in lucid dreams. Due to this, my dreams collapsed.

  • In the beginning, I used to try lucid dream sex. And when I touched some girl, I woke up due to excitement. Upon waking up I felt my heart beating much faster. Dhuk, Dhuk, Dhuk! 

  • In lucid dreams, I was not focused, due to which I used to go here and there in the dream and the dream was broken.

  • Sometimes my lucid dream became scary and due to this fear, my dream was shattered.

How can you increase your lucid dream duration?

Why Do I Wake Up when Lucid Dreaming

Here are a few tips that help you make the duration of your lucid dream longer:

Relax and stay calm: When you become lucid in a dream, it's important to stay calm and not get too excited. This surely helps you maintain lucidity and prolong the dream.

Engage with your dream: You have to interact with the dream environment and the characters in it. Engage with the dream in a way that makes sense to you and try to establish a sense of control over the dream.

Repeat a mantra: Repeat a phrase such as "I'm dreaming" or "I will stay in this dream" to help reinforce the realization that you are in a dream. From time to time try checking your dream reality by doing lots of reality checks. This will help you prevent waking up and also will help to maintain strong lucidity.

Try dream stabilization techniques: There are several dream stabilization techniques you can try to help you maintain lucidity and prolong your dream. Examples include spinning around or rubbing your hands together in the dream.

Don't Wake up: Some lucid dreamers wake up as soon as they realize they are dreaming, try to avoid that by focusing on the dream and try to keep your awareness on the dream as long as possible.

Practice: Regular lucid dreaming practice can help you become more skilled at recognizing and controlling your dreams, which may make it easier to maintain lucidity and prolong your dreams.

Keep in mind that lucid dreaming is a skill that takes practice and patience to develop, and it may take some time before you are able to make your lucid dreams last longer. 

I hope you understood how to make lucid dreams last longer.

6 Mistakes That Beginners do in Lucid Dream

  1. Trying to force lucid dreaming
  2. Not keeping a dream journal
  3. Expecting too much too soon
  4. Not staying calm and focused
  5. Not experimenting with different induction techniques
  6. Trying Lucid Dream Sex in beginning

Why do I wake up when I try lucid dreaming sex?

Why do I wake up when I try lucid dreaming sex?

It is not uncommon for people to wake up when trying to engage in sexual activities during a lucid dream. There are multiple potential causes for this, such as:

  • Excitement: Sexual excitement in a lucid dream can cause a physical response, such as an increase in heart rate or breathing, which can wake you up.

  • Stress: Anxiety or stress about the dream's content can make it harder to maintain lucidity and prolong the dream.

  • Unfamiliarity: Engaging in sexual activities during a lucid dream can be unfamiliar and uncomfortable, leading to waking.

  • Psychological factors: Some people may have emotional blockages or unresolved issues related to sex, which can make it difficult to engage in sexual activities during a lucid dream.

  • Lack of dream control: not having enough control over the dream can cause you to wake up, try using dream stabilization techniques and focus on the dream.

Advice from Reddit: "When kissing, keep your eyes open, as I've observed that my dream partner keeps her eyes open - indicating that she is already familiar with the proper technique."

If you're experiencing frequent waking during lucid dreams, it's important to work on the dream stabilization mentioned above.


It's important to remember that lucid dreaming takes practice and patience, and waking up is a normal part of the process. Keeping a dream journal, staying calm, and focusing on the dream can help prolong the lucid dream and increase the chances of success. 

Keep in mind, lucid dreaming is a skill that can be developed with time and effort, and it's important to not get discouraged if you wake up during a lucid dream. Thank you!

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