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Why is Lucid Dreaming so Hard? The Answer is Very Simple - Low Awareness Level

Do you know about lucid dreams? Have you ever tried to control your dreams? Who doesn't love flying in the open sky and meeting your favorite celebrity face-to-face? You can do all these things easily in lucid dreams.

Lucid dreaming is the ability to recognize that you are dreaming in your sleep. Such dreams are very fascinating and can be controlled. How beautiful it sounds, isn't it? So why is lucid dreaming so hard to learn? Let's know.

Why is Lucid Dreaming so Hard?

First of all, let us know what actually happens in our minds when we dream. There is a phase of our sleep that we call REM (Rapid Eye Movement). REM is the scientific name of our special phase of sleep, you can also understand it as deep sleep.

During the REM state, our brain becomes more active and essentially paralyzed. Paralyzing the body during sleep is important because it prevents us from potentially hurting ourselves. If this does not happen, then if you play football in your dream, you will start moving your hands and feet on the bed and hurt yourself.

Why is Lucid Dreaming so Hard?

Lower Level of Consciousness

The problem with lucid dreaming is that it requires a certain level of consciousness. And such level of consciousness is not present in the people of today. In the beginning, our brain is not prepared for this at all. It's like trying to drive a car while asleep. It is not impossible but it is definitely not easy either.

Not Every People Have the Same Level Of Consciousness

Another reason why lucid dreaming is so hard is that not everyone is the same. Every human being is different and unique in itself. The talent to do something new is not common in all people.

Some people have a natural talent for lucid dreaming, while others have to struggle more to achieve it.

You can also think of it as how some people are just naturally good at sports or playing an instrument, while others have to work hard to achieve the same level of skill.

Low Awareness During Daytime

Why is Lucid Dreaming so Hard?

There is one factor that greatly affects the process of learning lucid dreams, and that is awareness. Yes, awareness is the factor due to lack of which most of the people fail to learn lucid dreaming. Many people are unable to increase their level of awareness and give up lucid dreaming.

During the waking state, our level of awareness is very low. We go on doing all our work in a state of unconsciousness. We brush our teeth unconsciously, eat food unconsciously, and work in the office unconsciously. Just the eyes are open and you are awake, so don't think that you are conscious. We call that person conscious whose mind and body remain in the same place.

Often, we do work somewhere else and our minds is wandering somewhere else. Our mind and body reside in different places at the same time. Such a person whose mind and body both do not stay in one place i.e. who does not live in the present, that person is unconscious. 

He has no idea of awakening yet. Such a person who cannot remain conscious even in moments of wakefulness, how can he know in his sleep that he is dreaming. No, such a person can never know in his sleep that he is dreaming.

You must have understood that it is very important to increase the awareness level to learn lucid dreams. There are many ways to increase awareness and in this regard, there is already an article in our blog. You can read it by clicking on this link.

"I thought lucid dreaming would be easy to learn, but it's so difficult" -- did you think the same way in the beginning? 

Do you really want to learn lucid dreaming and are worried about it? If you are worried then don't worry from now on.

Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. There are several things you can do to increase your chances of lucid dreaming. There are many ways to become proficient in this type of lucid dreaming. But I will tell you again that the best way is to try to increase your level of awareness as much as possible. This will give you success in lucid dreaming as soon as possible.

Why is Lucid Dreaming so Hard?

One of the most important things is keeping a dream diary. Every morning when you wake up from sleep, immediately remember your dream and write it in the diary. Even if you wake up in the middle of sleep, you have to write down the dream in the diary. This will help you become more aware of your dreams and make it easier to recognize when you are dreaming.

Another technique is reality testing. It involves asking the question of whether you are awake or dreaming during the day. Ask yourself every one to two hours, are you dreaming? Making it a habit will benefit you a lot. When you are actually dreaming, then you will do a reality check in your dream as well and you will know that you are dreaming as soon as you do a reality check in your dream.

Finally, it is important to understand that lucid dreaming is a skill that takes time and practice to learn. It's not something that will happen overnight (unless you are one of those lucky natural lucid dreamers). But don't let yourself get you down! With enough dedication and effort, anyone can learn to lucid dreams.


Lucid dreaming is so hard because it requires a certain level of consciousness. It is not a skill that everyone is naturally already skilled at. But it can be learned and experienced by anyone with practice and patience.

So, write down your dream in a diary, do reality tests every hour or two, and don't give up! 

As famed lucid dreamer Stephen LaBarge once said, "If you have to sleep a third of your life, why should you even sleep in your dreams?"

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