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How to learn true Meditation? | Meditation cannot be done in pieces | 2022

Are you searching for a long time about how to learn true meditation? Meditation is not so complex to understand it.

But it is difficult to start correctly because many people have a wrong understanding of meditation. They are spending decades practicing meditation in the wrong way. After reading this post, I am sure that you will definitely know meditation in its true nature.

I am doing meditation for the past 7 years and helped many to do the same. So, whether you are 15 or 50, you can learn to do meditation in its true nature.

What is Meditation?

Meditation cannot be in a piecemeal step, it should be a continuous effort. One should be alert, aware, and meditative every moment. 

How to do Meditation?

But the mind does a trick, you meditate in the morning and then you pick it up and put it beside or you go to the temple and pray and then you forget. 

Then you go back to this world completely without meditation, almost unconscious as if you are walking in a hypnotic sleep.

Nothing can happen with this piecemeal effort. How can you be meditative for an hour, when you are without meditation for twenty-three hours of the day? It's unattainable. It is not possible to suddenly become meditative for an hour. You can only deceive yourself.

Awareness is a continuous flow. It is like a river, which is flowing continuously. If you be aware of every moment and if you be meditative throughout the day, only then flowering can happen. Nothing to happen before that. 

How Zen Masters Teach Meditation?

Long ago, there lived one Zen master, his story seems meaningless, but it is very meaningful. 

A Zen master who used to call himself a monk kept calling himself - that is what is called meditation, calling himself - he used to call himself by his own name. He used to say- "Juigan are you there? ,

He himself replied - "Yes sir! That's what I am.

It is not just an effort, it is a peak effort to be alert. You can use it. It would be very helpful to note. 

Suddenly walking down the street you can call to yourself - "Are you there? "Suddenly the thought process will stop because you have to give an answer also - "Yes sir! That's what I am

As soon as the thought process stops, it brings you to the focal point and you become alert and aware.

Calling oneself is a method. You're going to sleep, you've put out the night light, and suddenly you call out, "Are you there?

And it is in that darkness that awareness comes. You answer as a flame inside - "Yes! I am here.

And then the monk used to say – be alert, be calm and balanced, be honest, be authentic, don't play any game. 

He used to call out to himself, "Be calm and balanced. "And he would answer-" Yes! Whatever I can do, I will try my best.”

Stop Wasting Your Time

How to do meditation?

Our whole life is wasted moving around foolishly. You are doing it because you are not aware of how you waste your time, how you waste your energy, and in the end, you waste your whole life without being aware. 

Everything is wasted down the drain. Everything is getting ruined and going down the drain. Only when death knocks at your door, only then you become alert and aware. Then you think- 'What have I been doing till now? What have I done with life so far? I missed a great opportunity.' You were not calm and balanced. You never looked at the result of what you were doing.

Life is not just to be spent, it is to reach somewhere deep within oneself. Life is not only on the surface, it is not the periphery either – it is the center, and you have not yet reached your center. Be alert and balanced.

A long time has already passed in vain. Wake up and see, what are you doing? What are you doing, are you looking for money? Which will ultimately prove to be useless. This is again a kind of game, a money game. You have more than others - you like it, others have more than you make you feel bad. 

Don't be in a Trap of Society

It's a game, but what does it mean after all? what do you get from it? All the wealth that is there in the world, even if it all comes to you, at the moment of death you will die as a beggar, so even the wealth of the whole world cannot make you rich. No sport can ever make you rich. Be alert, calm, and balanced.

Someone is running after power and prestige, someone is mad after sex and someone is after someone else. These are all games. 

Until you reach the center of your being, it is all a game. Games exist on the outside only on the periphery and the outer surface is not the reality. 

There are only waves on the surface and the waves will toss you in the air, toss you on the shore. You will not be able to stand by yourself.

Be Alert and Present in The 'Now'

That is the reason – he has to give voice – “Be alert and calm. "He is saying-" Enough is enough. stop playing this game. You have played a lot. Don't be any more stupid. Use this life to stabilize yourself firmly. Use this life to establish your roots and use it as an opportunity to reach God.

Buddha emphasized meditation. They say there is no need for another because you know very well that you are alone. At least it is certain that you are. 

Base your life on something that is absolutely certain... because how can you base life on something that is uncertain, doubtful, which exists only in belief, not in knowing? 

But what is certain in life? Only one thing is certain and that is you. Apart from this, everything is uncertain.

Both Jesus and Buddha emphasized meditation. He finished the prayer and said- "How can you pray? You don't even know God, so you can't really believe in Him." You cannot use coercion with a belief, whereas a belief made by compulsion is a false belief.

Belief is not required in Meditation 

You can explain yourself through logic, but it will not help, because your reasoning and your offenses are always yours and the mind keeps on fluctuating. That's why both Buddha and Jesus insisted on meditating.

Meditation is a different method altogether. There is no need to believe in it and there is no need to go to others. You are there alone, but you have to keep yourself awake and that is what the monk was doing. 

He is not calling the name of Ram or God. He is calling himself by taking his own name. Only yourself, because nothing is certain about the other. 

He is calling with his full name - "Are you there? "And he does not wait for the answer of any divine. He himself replies - "Yes sir! I am here.

Absence of mind is Meditation

Remember, meditation is not something that has to be done through the mind, it is the absence of the mind. When the mind disappears, meditation exists. 

It is not something that is outside the mind, it is something that is beyond the mind. When you are aware, the mind is not there, so in essence, we can say that the sleeping state is your mind. 

Your unconsciousness is your mantra, it is your mind that does all the work while you are sleeping. 

You walk as if you have drunk alcohol, you do not know who you are. You don't even know where you are going and you don't even know why you are going there.

This monk used to call out every morning, "Don't be fooled by others. "And he used to answer her also-" Sir! I will not be fooled by others. ,

Always remember this, because the other people around you are fooling you with very subtle manners and customs.

Why was Jesus Hanged? Why Socrates was Poisoned to death? Why Mansoor was Murdered?

what is Meditation?

Why was Jesus hanged because he was a living man? He must have called himself in childhood and said - "Jesus! Don't be fooled by others. "And he didn't become a fool, so others had to crucify him because they didn't become a part of his game." 

Socrates was poisoned to death, and Mansoor was murdered. These were all those people who escaped from the prison of society and you could not persuade them to come back to prison by saying anything. 

Also Read:

They will not return to prison because they are moving on the path of liberation.

Taste it, know it and feel it.


Remember - be alert and aware. If you remain alert, if your actions become more and more conscious, then whatsoever you do, you do like an awakened person. 

The whole effort of society is that you should be made like an automatic machine, which starts working properly with mechanical efficiency as soon as they press the button.

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