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WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique for Beginners | From Eastern Spirituality

Hey dreamers, do you know the WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique is the most powerful and widely used lucid dreaming method in the world. This method is also used by very advanced yogis to enter into a conscious dream. There is a lot of evidence of lucid dreaming in eastern spirituality.

So hello friends, how are you guys? Hope it will be good. I am Sandeep and I work as a writer in Eastern Lucid SiteI have a lot of experience in Lucid Dreams and meditation.

WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique for Beginners

In this article, I am going to tell you such an effective method of watching Lucid Dream which is infallible. With the help of this method, I am able to enter dreams consciously very easily.

Things will keep happening, now without delay, let's start.

We will understand this method in three steps and these three steps are as follows:-

  • Relaxing Your Body
  • Making Mind Thoughtless
  • Observing Hypnagogia

WILD: Preparing for lucid dream practice before bed

Relax Your Body

When you leave all the activities of the day and go to sleep, then at that time your body is not fully ready for sleep. There is tension in many parts of the body. First, you have to calm all the tension in the body.

It is a calm mind and body that develops calm and effective dreams. If your body is not relaxed, then there will be difficulty in calming the mind. So the part of the body in which there is tension, lets it loose.

If there is a strain on the leg, then release it loose. If there is a lot of pressure in any part of the body, then reduce it. There is a right way to sleep, sleep in that right way. Don't sleep on your stomach.

Slowly keep the body loose and loose. Take long and deep breaths. Bring your attention to the part of the body where you feel the stretch. Keep the focus there for a while and then move it to another part of the body.

If there is pain in any part, then focus your attention on that part. In this way, your body has to be completely calm and relaxed.

Make Your Mind Thoughtless

Many people have a habit of thinking and fantasizing before sleeping. For many people, thinking has become an addictionTotally sleep is lost. In the US, 40% of people have been affected by Insomnia. They cannot sleep without sleeping pills. 

This mind does not leave man even for a moment. Not only does this mind keep man entangled in its net throughout the day but keeps a hold of a person even at the time of sleeping.

We love to think. We like to live in fantasy. Because reality does not happen according to our wishes, we have become accustomed to living in fantasies.

But it is not a solution. Conversely, in thinking, in imagining, much more energy is wasted. Let me tell you that just thinking for 15 minutes wastes as much energy as an hour digging in the field. But you keep thinking the whole day. There are very few situations in which you need to think. For the rest of the time, you keep thinking in vain.

WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique for Beginners

This way you will never be able to do Lucid Dream. If you are not awake at the time of waking hours, then how will you wake up while sleeping?

You walk during the day as if you are walking in sleep. There was no consciousnessTo say that you are walking on the road but you are not on the road at all. You live somewhere in your thought world. 

Even when you drop all the activities and go to sleep, the mind keeps running. Because the mind has been running throughout the day, it has become accustomed to running. Now it is not in your control. You have become a slave of the mind. 

It has happened, it has happened a lot, this mind has made you dance a lot. Now the time has come to control the mind according to its own accord. No one has succeeded in anything without conquering the mind.

Understanding The Thinking Mind

      So suppose you have gone to sleep and the mind is not letting you sleep. First of all, you have to know why the mind is forcing you to think.

See, the mind does not directly compel you to think. Rather you give freedom to the mind to think because you enjoy thinking. So you let the mind think. You have to understand that fantasies are nothing but illusions. You give energy to the mind, so the mind goes on thinking.

Now you don't have to power it. If you do not give energy to the mind, then gradually the mind will start becoming weak.

Whenever a thought comes, don't get bogged down in it. Don't get carried away with that thought. Look at that thought and let it go.

Because this mind is very cunning and hypocritical. It will give you very beautiful ideas of thoughts. It will force you to think more and more. You have to remember my words, don't give energy to your mind to think. 

Focusing on Breath

Don't get entangled in this little fantasy river stream, you have to experience the ocean like a Lucid Dream. 

If you find it difficult to let go of your thoughts, then you can focus on your breath. Look at your breathing. Feel the sensation of the breath. You have to practice this daily while lying down before sleeping. 

By meditating on the breath, this meditation will become so deep that some night it will come when you will be able to take this meditation to sleep. You will be able to take this awareness in the dream. 

WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique for Beginners

Your attention will become so intense that with the help of your breath, you will be able to easily carry your attention into the dream. And the day you can do this, you will know a lot of things.

You will know for the first time how sleep comes. You will know how sleep overwhelms you. You will also find out how gears change during sleep. When a person is going from the waking state to sleep, he has to pass through the neutral gear for a subtle part of the moment.

 In this position, you are neither awake nor you are asleep. You are in a passive Gear state. This state is for a very short period of time. You will know it when you consciously enter sleep. During this stage, you will feel tingling in your body but it is normal.


 The day you know sleep, you will know that there is no difference between sleeping and waking up. Our real world will also seem like a dream to you. Then there will be no difference between walking in wakefulness and walking in sleep.

That is why Hindus call this world Maya. Maya means illusion, deception of the things of the mind. 

On this Patanjali says that dreams can give you a lot of knowledge. 

You will be able to know many things with the help of dreams. You will know yourself. You will be able to leave your bad habits. The lucid Dream has many worldly and spiritual benefits. I will discuss it in another article.

 Apart from going to sleep consciously while paying attention to your breath, there is another way by which you can go into dreams with your awareness. And that method is called Observing Hypnagogia.

Observe Hypnagogia

Every night you sleep. Every night you go to sleep. But I'm sure you've never noticed hypnagogia. Maybe you will know a little bit, but by reading this, you will know a lot about it.

 Hypnagogia is a direct and shortcut route to the Lucid Dream. But before using it, you have to increase your level of awareness. If your awareness is weak then maybe you will not be able to succeed in it. This experiment has to be done while sleeping.


 When you go to sleep, you don't fall asleep right away. Gradually you lose consciousness and sleep takes over you. Sleep is a very big process and the exciting thing is that people never pay attention to it. 


Hypnagogia is a pre-sleep state in which you will see many pictures and figures with your eyes closed. You can also hear and feel different types of voices. Basically, you have to pay attention to those pictures and sounds. You have to consciously concentrate on those figures.

WILD: Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique for Beginners

Actually, these pictures and figures will later develop into dreams after some time. That's why if you pay attention to these pictures and figures, your attention will remain on them. 

Your attention will not be lost anywhere. And when these images and figures are developing in the dream, then your attention will remain intact, and even when these images are fully developed in the dream, this consciousness will remain and you will directly enter the Lucid Dream.

Keep in mind that while sleeping, you have to concentrate on this hypnagogia by being fully engrossed. Don't get lost in your thoughts. If you think while sleeping, you will miss it. 

You will not be able to pay attention to hypnagogia. While you are sleeping, your mind will try to entangle you with thoughts but you watch your mind consciously and let go of the thoughts coming into your mind with harmony. Don't get caught up in it and maintain focus on your hypnagogia.

Waking in the middle of the night after 5 hours of sleep

 You can also use the above methods again after 5 hours of sleep. The advantage of this will be that you will be able to use these methods twice in the same night and this increases your chances of going to Lucid Dream. 

So when you are going to sleep at night, you will have to set an alarm on your mobile after 5 hours. When the alarm goes off after five hours, you have to get up. Get up and stay awake for at least 10 minutes. 

At this time, do something that will increase your focus. After waking up for 10 minutes, you go to sleep again. Do not fall asleep immediately while sleeping. You have to use the above steps again. You have to fall asleep again looking at your hypnagogia. Don't let thoughts enter your mind.

It is very ugly and difficult to get up in the middle of the night. You will find it very annoying. But this method is very effective. If you wake up in the middle of the night after 5 hours and go to sleep again, you'll most likely be able to go straight to Lucid Dream. 

Because when you wake up during sleep, your senses come back. When you go to sleep again with the same consciousness, that consciousness will enter your sleep. But for this, you will need a few days or months of practice.


You have to use Wake Induced Lucid Dream Technique in three stages. First of all, you have to relax your body while lying down. If there is tension and strain in any part of the body then it has to be relaxed. Then you have to make your mind thoughtless. If a thought is going on in your mind, then watch it carefully, consciously, when you see your thought, then the thought will vanish.

This way you will have to relax and unwind your mind and body. Then you have to focus on the images and shapes that you see with your closed eyes. Actually, these pictures and figures are called Hyonagogiya.


1. Will I be able to succeed in Lucid Dream using this method?

--> Why not, by using this method you will surely succeed in the Lucid Dream.

2. Are there any side effects of this method?

--> Yes, there is. This method has a side effect and that is sleep paralysis. You will probably go through sleep paralysis when you use this method. Sleep paralysis is a state of the brain in which your brain will wake up from sleep but your body will still be asleep. You cannot move your body. It's a little scary and complicated, but it's not dangerous at all.

Sleep paralysis is a very important stage for Lucid Dreamers. Using this, Dreamers can go directly to lucid dreams. I will write more about this in the next post.

3. Is it necessary to wake up after 5 hours at midnight for this experiment?

--> No, it is not necessary but if you do this then you will be able to experience a lucid dream very soon.

4. I can't sleep easily at night, what should I do?

--> You have to pay attention to your breath.

5. How long does it take an average person to have a lucid dream?

--> It depends on the individual but if I want to tell you, I would say that it will take 3 to 9 months for you to fall asleep consciously without any effort.

6. What is the most important point to succeed in a Lucid Dream?

--> Awareness, passion, and determination.

7. What is the fundamental difference between reality and dream?

--> One who knows dreams, who knows sleep, for him, there is no difference. But for the one who does not know, dreams and reality are two different things.

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