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Top 20 Lucid Dream Mistakes | Many People Don't Know

Are you searching on the internet about how to dream what you want? Are you having trouble learning Conscious Dreaming?
If you are unable to watch Lucid Dream then this article will prove to be very useful for you.


There are some Lucid Dream mistakes that a lot of new dreamers make unintentionally and that's why they have a lot of trouble learning Lucid dreams. Before learning about lucid dreams, you should know about them very well. 

How to dream what you want?

Although it is easy to learn lucid dreams, due to a lack of understanding at the right time, it can take a lot of time. Many people leave it in the middle because they didn't succeed in it and say that this is all nonsense, it cannot be learned. 

No. It's not like that. It can absolutely be learned. It will become easy for you when you understand its aspects. There are just some mistakes that you should not make in the beginning. 

By the way, if you want to achieve success in lucid dreams then you have to pay attention to many things. You have to change your routine. You cannot learn it without changing the way you are now. You have to bring change in yourself.

See, what the Lucid Dream is? It is related to spirituality. It's not a worldly skill you'll be able to master with a few days' practice. No, it is not like that at all. You have to invest your time and energy in this, only then you will be able to succeed in it. 

So without delay, I will tell you about 20 Lucid Dream mistakes that you should not make in any case. 

Top 20 Lucid Dream Mistakes

1. You have to practice awareness every day. If you are not paying attention to developing awareness then you are making the biggest mistake. Without becoming more and more aware you cannot achieve success in this. Raising awareness is essential to learning about Lucid Dreams.

2. Many people have a very bad habit of thinking before sleeping. If you also overthink before sleeping, then leave it as soon as possible. Because before sleeping you have to calm your mind. Seeing the thought that comes into the mind makes you aware of thoughts. 

If you get caught in your thoughts, then your mind will be disturbed and you will not be able to maintain your awareness

3. If you are a beginner and have learned a little bit about Lucid Dreaming then you don't have to create a sexual dream in the beginning. If you develop obscene dreams, then you will wake up immediately from the dream as such dreams are very stimulating

First, you have to maintain stability in the dream. Your mind has to be steady and calm. You can have any type of dream when you become skilled at calming it down.

4. If you want to learn Lucid Dream then you must not consume narcotics. Drugs are intoxicating in nature. It lowers your awareness and leads you to a state of unconsciousness which is not very good for lucid dreams. 

5. You have to pay attention to your food too. You should take only sattvik(holy) and balanced food. This is great for Lucid Dream if you eat a vegetarian diet. But if you are a non-vegetarian then you will have difficulties

Actually, non-vegetarian food is very heavy food. The body has to face a lot of difficulty in digesting it. This causes irritability, and stress in the body, which also affects sleep. Because all the energy is being spent on digesting the food, therefore dreams are not lucid and you have a lot of difficulties in being aware of dreams.

Top 20 Lucid Dream Mistakes | Conscious Dreaming

6. It takes an average of 3 to 9 months to learn Lucid Dreaming. If you can't do lucid dreaming in the beginning, don't panic, just keep practicing. It will take some time but you will definitely be able to do it. You just have to maintain consistency. Keep your mind calm and focus on practice. 

7. If your memory power is weak, you first strengthen it because every morning you have to wake up and remember your dream and write it in a diary. If you write your dreams in your diary every morning then you will soon be able to succeed in a lucid dream.

8. When you start having a few lucid dreams, you will be able to stay in this type of dream for a very short time. You will wake up immediately from such a dream. Because this experience will be very new for you. 

Your mind is not ready for this. You have to put more emphasis on keeping your mind calm and stable. Through meditation, you can keep your mind calm and stable

9. Many people have difficulty seeing lucid dreams because they are not very aware when they are awake. They remain asleep even when he is awake. That's why when you are awake, do the work you are doing consciously. Be alert at all times and observe the things around you very carefully.

How to dream what you want? | Top 20 Lucid Dream Mistakes

10. The more you are conscious while you are awake, the more likely you are to remain conscious in dreams even when you are asleep. So the main practice is of waking time. The more you are alert while awake, the more you remain conscious in a dream, the same awareness will enter the dream and you will be able to see the Lucid Dream.

11. If you want to learn Lucid Dream quickly, then every night you have to wake up with the help of an alarm after 5 hours of sleep. You have to stay awake for 10 minutes and go back to sleep again. 

And practice being mindful while you sleep. Don't try too hard to be alert or else you won't be able to sleep. Just to have a moderate awareness, a passive awareness. In this way, you will soon be able to watch Lucid Dream.

Sleep Paralysis: Important for Lucid Dream

12. Many lucid dreamers experience sleep paralysis during exercise which is a bit scary. But it's natural, don't be afraid of it. Rather it is helpful in seeing lucid dreams. Sleep paralysis is common for lucid dreamers. 

What happens in sleep paralysis is that your mind is awake but the body is still asleep, so if you want to move any part of your body at that time, it does not move. You feel like your body is frozen

You will try to move but will not move. It only happens for a short time. Happens for hardly 5 or 10 seconds. It's scary, but you don't have to be afraid of it.

13. You have to do reality checks from time to time when you enter a Lucid Dream. If you don't do reality checks in a lucid dream, you'll soon forget that you were in a lucid dream. That lucid dream will immediately turn into a simple dream. So you have to keep doing reality checks. 

15. Awareness is a huge thing for Lucid Dreaming. The whole lucid dream practice is dependent on this awareness. The more you become aware in your daytime, the more conscious you will be of your dreams. If you are not developing awareness while awake, you will suffer a great loss. 

16. Whatever you are doing all day should become just an excuse for inner training to be mindful. Then a day will come, surely comes when you will be able to take this mindfulness in your dreams.

17. You do not have to put too much emphasis on learning lucid dreams. If you put too much effort into it, you may not be successful in it, because it is an exercise that takes a lot of time. So take the time and practice properly. 

18. I often touch the ground in Lucid Dream to make it last longer. I feel dream objects. By doing this, my focus remains in the lucid dream and I do not wake up. See the things of your dream, touch them, feel them. 

Put all your focus on it. When you do this, your mind gets absorbed in the dream world and you do not wake up sooner. This way you can enjoy lucid dreams for a very long time.

Dream Sign: Lucid Dream Triggers

19. If you are not paying attention to the dream sign then you are making a mistake. Actually, dream signs are those signs which appear again and again in dreams. Just as in a dream you can see yourself in school, in a dream you may be dreaming of your old house again and again. 

All these are dream signs. You can find the dream sign from the diary of your dream and if again you see the same things in the dream then it will be a trigger. Prepare yourself that if you dream of the same scene again, you will know that it is a dream.

Hypnagogia: Gateway to Lucid Dream

How to dream what you want? | Top 20 Lucid Dream Mistakes

20. There also exists one easy way to enter into a Lucid Dream directly from the waking state. When you are preparing to sleep and close your eyes, behind the closed eyes you will see many scenes, sounds, and figures. You have to pay attention to those shapes

It has to be seen consciously. Slowly the same pictures and figures will turn into dreams. If you pay attention to those pictures then you will be taken directly to the lucid dream and you will enter the dream consciously. This process is called entering the lucid dream through hypnagogia.


To achieve quick success in Lucid Dreaming, it is necessary to pay attention to some things. First, you don't have to have erotic dreams in the beginning. You have to practice awareness daily. You have to take a balanced and sattvik diet. You don't have to take drugs. You have to prepare a dream diary also called a dream journal. Learning a Lucid dream takes some time. Don't be disappointed.

A lot of books have been written on Lucid Dreams. You must read it. Many movies have also been made on Lucid Dreams, you should also watch them. This will increase your interest in Lucid Dream even more. 

Lucid Dream Web-Stories 

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