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Dream Yoga: Easiest Method to Lucid dream | Lucid Dream Method From Tibet

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Many beginners are struggling to find the easiest method to lucid dream. In this post, you will learn the simple and easy lucid dream method from Tibet. This method was discovered by the spiritual Tibetian dream Yogis.

I am going to explain to you this method in a very simple way so that you can take better advantage of it.

Hi, I am Sandeep and I am exploring lucid dreams for 5 years, and I have good experience with them. So if you have any questions regarding lucid dreams or dream yoga then you can drop the comment below or you can connect with me through Whatsapp also.

Dream Yoga: Lucid Dream Method From Tibet

The successful induction of a dream and lucid dream depends on the belief, purpose, dedication, and patience of a practitioner. 

Dream Yoga: Easiest Method to Lucid dream

There is no methods or techniques that will help to induce lucid dream or dream yoga in a one-night effort. You must have to practice it until you become subconsciously prepared for it.

Spiritual growth takes time, it demands more and more energy into it. It asks the practitioner to give their whole attention to it. It requires time for maturation.

If we try to fight against time, definitely we will lose. But if we learn how to be on time, then we can practice and achieve anything.

At the time of starting, lucid dreams or dream yoga may feel too complicated or complex and require too much time to be good at it. 

But this is not the case, though lucid dream seems complex, it becomes simple if we understand our mind and its mechanism. We have to know why our mind lacks awareness of dreams.

Here are the methods that anyone can do to get success in lucid dreams or dream yoga.

The Observing Mind

The waking period of the day lasts about 15 or 16 hours and the brain is busy almost all the time. Our brains keep thinking all the time during the day. It is very hard to silence mind chattering.

Lucid Dream Method From Tibet

It is often found that there is not enough time for practice because much of the available time is wasted on distractions and unpleasant experiences.

Today's so-called modern world seems to be constantly demanding: taking care of family and work, watching television, window shopping, waiting in a traffic jam, spending time with friends and relatives, etc.

People have to do a thousand things to grab their attention and move forward until the day is blurry enough to go to sleep.

Slowly and slowly, we are moving away, very away from ourselves. We are disconnected from our 'inner beings or self'. We are not very aware of ourselves. We work and spend our daytime in a state of sleep, in a state of ignorance.

Living this way is not beneficial for any kind of practice. Dream yoga becomes very difficult for a person who works and spends life in a sleep state.

Thus, simple and continuous habits need to be cultivated to reconnect with ourselves and we have to be more present in the 'now'.

Breathe Exercise to Cultivate Mindfulness

Every breath can be an exercise to practice presence, to practice awareness. When you inhale air from your nostrils, imagine taking in pure, cleansing, and relaxing energies.

And with each exhale of air, imagine expelling all hindrances, stress, and bad emotions. This is not something that demands a particular place or space it sits.

    This practice can be done on the bus on the way to work, waiting for a traffic lamp, sitting in front of a laptop or computer, preparing dinner, cleaning utensils, or walking down the street. 

    A very powerful and effective but simple practice is to try to be mindfully present in the body throughout the day. Try to feel the body in wholeness, and incompleteness.

    Mind is worse than a mad monkey jumping from one thought to another. You get difficulty focusing your mind on one object. But you can take the help of your body, as the body is the source of experience, a source of senseness. 

     One can use the body as an anchor to Cultivate Presence and Calmness of mind. If you have control over your body, then automatically your mind will be in your control.

Lucid Dream Method From Tibet

Actually, this control word is not fit good here. You do not have to control your mind, this is not possible. The only thing you can do with your mind is to observe it, to watch it. If you observe your mind, then your mind starts to disappear; it starts to vanish.

Watchfulness is a very powerful weapon against the mind, against the thought. 

Mind is nothing but the absence of your presence - Osho. 

By seeing thoughts, thoughts stop coming. Thoughts are too shy to see. 

The day when you try to be calm, that day you will come to know how strong the devil is inside you.

When we walk in the garden, the body can be in the garden while the mind is busy in business or at home, chatting with friends in imagination, or making a plan for a family trip.

We can say that the soul has detached from the body. If you are looking at a bird instead, actually look at it. Become fully aware and mindful of your surroundings, do not get lost in the imagination of that bird. Just observe the bird in your full presence, in your full attention.

With the help of the bird, you can bring your attention back to the garden. Focusing on sensory visual experience reconnects mind and body.

When the experience of the bird is felt throughout the body, spiritual healing occurs. It can be similar to watching a flower, smelling fruits, feeling the fabric of your T-shirt, hearing a bird's sound, or tasting an orange.

You have to train yourself to feel the sensory object vividly and without judgment. Judgment is a disease for a meditating person, judgment sucks your attention, and judgment takes you in the past or future; it is a thief that steals your presence.

When this ability is cultivated, reactions will continue to occur. At the sight of the bird, judgment about its cuteness will arise. However, with practice, you can able to overcome this judgment. 

Instead of getting lost in judgment and distraction, you can practice being in the present moment by cultivating awareness of mind, and object.

This is the basis for success in lucid dreams. The practice should be always clear and bright. 

Practice Before Sleep At Night

After a stressful day, we often feel half dead. Then we fall into bed almost completely dead. We don't even spend a few minutes connecting mind and body in presence, we spend them distracted at night and stay distracted while we get ready for bed and fall asleep. 

Connecting mind, body, and emotion is one of the most important things we can do to ensure our progress in the lucid dream. We should take a little time to do this every night before bed.

When we fall asleep with mind and body separate, each follows its own path. The body clings to the stress and tension gathered during the day, and the mind too carries on as it has been throughout the day, running from one place to another, from moment to moment, grounded and ungrounded stability or rest. 

Our mind exists in an anxious or drowsy state with low awareness. In this situation, we lack stability and awareness and Lucid Dream becomes very challenging. 

Practicing Awareness Before Sleep

To change this, for healthier sleep and better results in dream practice, spend a few minutes before bed reconnecting with presence and stillness. 

Simple things are useful: take a bath (or just wash your hands and legs), light a candle and incense sticks, sit in front of a shrine or even on your bed and connect with enlightened beings or your instructor. 

You can create feelings of kindness, pay attention to how your body feels, and develop experiences of delight, happiness, and thankfulness. Generate positive thoughts and feelings, then you can fall asleep. 

Prayer and love will relax the body and calm the mind, bringing joy and peace to both. As indicated above, imagine being surrounded by enlightened protector beings, especially Dakinis

Imagine them protecting you like a mother would protect her child, radiating love and empathy. 

Then, feeling safe and at peace, pray, “May I have a lucid dream tonight? May I be able to induce a lucid dream? May I understand me through sleep?” Recite these affirmations again and again, aloud or in mind.

This is very straightforward, but it will change the quality of your sleep and dreams, and you will be more relaxed and grounded in the morning.

Lucid Dream Method From Tibet

Other Practices to be done Before Sleep

If you feel that the four stages of the practice are too complicated (concentrating on the throat chakra, between the brows, the heart, and the secret), just focus on the throat chakra. Imagine a bright red A there after you pray. 

Focus on it, feel it and go to sleep. It is necessary to have calmed down beforehand, to feel connected to the body. 

If even concentrating on A seems too difficult or complex, then simply feel your whole body and connect with presence and kindness. This is the way to cleanse 

the mind and body that have become stressed and dull during the day.

Every night we must brush and wash our teeth, feel better and sleep better. If instead, we go to bed dirty and unclean, our sleep and dreams will be affected. 

We all know this about the physical level of our existence, but we often forget how important it is to feel that freshness and connection in our spirit as well. 

You can also work with your breath while falling asleep. Try to breathe evenly into both nostrils. If the right side is jammed, sleep on the left side and vice versa. 

Calm your breath and allow it to be peaceful and calm. 

As indicated above, exhale stress and negative emotions, and inhale pure healing energy. 

Take this breath nine times, in meditation posture or lying down, and then focus on the red A in your throat. Feel the A instead of focusing on it, join it instead of staying away from it.

If you wake up feeling better and more rested, celebrate your success. Feel the blessings of teachers and enlightened beings, the joy of your joyful endeavors, and the happiness of following the path of dream yoga. 

This happiness will encourage the next night's practice and will help to continuously maintain and develop the practice. It's not uncommon to find it difficult to relax or feel compassion or love when you go to sleep. If you find yourself in this situation, use your creative imagination. 

Imagine lying on a nice, warm beach or walking in the clean, fresh mountain air. Imagine those things that make you feel relaxed instead of just falling asleep, remove the emotions and stress of the day from your mind and body. These simple exercises will also be of great help. 


Practicing awareness before bed is very essential to see lucid dreams. If you keep your mind distracted by thoughts before sleep, then your whole dream will be disturbed and you feel very tired in the morning. 

One psychological fact says that if you wake up with head pain in the morning it means that you had fallen asleep overthinking yesterday night.

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