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Mindfulness: Three Stages of Mindfulness Practice for Lucid Dream

Mindfulness: Three Stages of Mindfulness Practice for Lucid Dream

Are you interested in mindfulness practice for achieving lucid dreams or for better mental health?

Are you feeling distracted? Is your mind wandering like a lost puppy? Well, have no fear, because zhiné is here! Zhiné is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice that can help you develop concentration and strengthen your mental muscles.

Hi, myself is Sandeep Yadav from EasternLucid.com Academy. I have learned these powerful three stages of mindfulness practice for lucid dreaming from the famous book 'The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep.'

Three stages of mindfulness (Zhine) are given below:

  • FORCEFUL Zhine
  • NATURAL Zhine
  • ULTIMATE Zhine

First Stage: Forceful Zhine

The first stage of zhiné is called "forceful," and boy, they weren't kidding about that name! This stage requires a lot of effort, and it may feel impossible to stay focused on the object for even a minute. 

But don't worry, you don't have to power through a marathon session. Instead, break it up into short sessions with breaks in between. During these breaks, don't let your mind wander. Instead, recite a mantra, do some visualization, or do any other practice you like.

Three Stages of Mindfulness Practice

When you return to practice, keep your mind on the object. Don't let it get distracted by thoughts of the past or the future, sounds, physical sensations, or anything else. Just focus your mind through the eye on the object, and don't lose awareness of it even for a second. 

Breathe gently and slowly, and don't tense up your body. And whatever you do, don't fall into a stupor, a dullness, or a trance.

Second Stage: Natural Zhine

The second stage of zhiné is called "natural," and it's a lot more chill than the first stage. In this stage, you're absorbed in contemplation of the object. Here, you no longer need to force your mind to stay still. 

The mind is quiet and relaxed, and thoughts can arise without distracting you from the object. This is a good time to focus on space instead of a physical object. Try gazing at the sky or the space between your body and the wall.

Third Stage: Ultimate Zhine

Three Stages of Mindfulness Practice for Lucid Dreaming

The third and final stage of zhiné is called "ultimate," and it's when things get really groovy. In this stage, your mind is tranquil but light, relaxed, and pliable. Thoughts appear and disappear spontaneously and without any effort. 

This is when the master can introduce you to the natural state of mind. It is pure, non-dual awareness. This is the ultimate goal of zhiné practice.

So, if you're feeling like your mind is a wild stallion that you can't control, give zhiné a try! With practice, you can develop concentration and mental strength. As practice deepens, you reach the ultimate stage of non-dual awareness. For dream yoga or lucid dreaming, this is very important.

And who knows, maybe you'll even become a meditation master and impress all your friends with your zen-like calmness. Stranger things have happened! 

Three Stages of Mindfulness Practice



But before you start meditating, there are a few obstacles you need to know: agitation, drowsiness, and laxity. Let's break them down. 
  • Agitation
  • Drowsiness 
  • Negligence 


Agitation is like a kid hyped up on sugar. Your mind jumps restlessly from one thought to another. It makes it nearly impossible to concentrate. 

So how do you prevent this? Start by calming yourself before the practice. Avoid too much physical or mental activity. Try some slow stretches to relax your body and quiet your mind. Then, when you start the practice, immediately focus your mind to avoid developing the habit of mentally wandering while sitting in a meditation posture.


Next up, drowsiness. This is like a fog that settles over your mind, making you feel heavy and tired. To combat this, try to strengthen your mind's focus on the object of your meditation. 

Sometimes, drowsiness can actually be a kind of movement of the mind that you can stop with strong concentration. If that doesn't work, take a break, stretch, and maybe even practice standing up.

Negligence or Laxity

Finally, there's laxity. This is like when you're half-asleep, and your mind is calm but in a passive, weak state. It's important to recognize this state and not mistake it for correct meditation. 

If you notice your focus losing strength and your practice becoming lax, straighten your posture and wake up your mind. Reinforce your attention and guard the stability of your presence. Remember, this practice is precious and will lead to the attainment of the highest realization.

Zhiné practice is something that should be done every day until the mind is quiet and steady. It's not just a preliminary practice, either - even advanced yogis practice zhiné. 

The stability of the mind developed through zhiné is the foundation of dream yoga(lucid dream) and all other meditation techniques. 

It's a foundation that can help you develop steadiness in all aspects of your life. When your mind is stable, you can always find that calm presence and not get carried away by thoughts and emotions.


As Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, a Tibetan Buddhist master, once said, "The real purpose of meditation is to transform the mind. It is to cultivate those qualities of the mind that will help us find inner peace, stability, and clarity in the midst of any situation we find ourselves in." 

And that's what zhiné practice is all about - cultivating a calm, stable mind that can handle anything life throws our way.

So, don't be intimidated by the obstacles. Start small, and don't be too hard on yourself if your mind wanders. Remember, practice is about progress, not perfection. As you continue to practice, you'll notice that it becomes easier to overcome the obstacles of agitation, drowsiness, and laxity. 

And before you know it, you'll be on your way to finding that inner peace, stability, and clarity that we all crave.

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